Monday, August 24, 2009

1 week to go now

Today I received my SPOT tracking device. aside from a few glitches with the computer at the office. everything looks good. this little unit is about a 1/2 lb and the size of about 3 decks of playing cards. what this unit does is tracks me through out my adventure and will give me, an those that care about me a little bit of security. because this thing has several features. which are pretty neat. but, this one I really like its the I'm ok button. which is basically a button that you have to press at a preset time amount that sends either emails or sms text messages to the people that you set up in the system, that you are ok. an if you don't do it within so much time, 15-20 mins I think. it will send out your location to an operator who will attempt to contact you. an if they can't then they will ask a local agency to check on you. kind of like on-star for adventures. it also has a help button that will send out a message to your point of contacts letting them know you need help and a 911 button that will send for emergency services. a pretty neat little piece of mind to have. other than that my riding is back to where it was. before my run in with the teenagers last month. I'm now riding very strong again and feel very good during and after my rides. with one week to go now its time to double check all of my bike, my cloth's, my personal gear and to really try and get some more per mile sponsorship.


  1. Are you going to post a webpage for SPOT where we can track you like Raphel Giraldo did on his "Tour of Discovery"?

  2. yes I am working on getting it up right now if you go to

  3. Very cool. Can't wait for your trip to start!

  4. me either
    with all of the set backs here lately I'm very excited to get underway.
    the latest setback was the news from the VA when they told me a couple of weeks ago. that even though they asked me to change my original plans. from cleveland to dallas texas. to just ohio with the assurance of there support. for example hoptel rooms at the hosp. and another rider, SAG van to follow me. (all of which I had arranged in my original plans.)
    which the only thing that has happened is a hoptel room at 2 out of 4 hosp.
    I'm still doing this even if I've got to sleep in a tent...
    why because this isn't about me. it's about our disabled men and women in the armed forces. that put there lives on the line for us so that we can breath free

  5. I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh last night.
    It was just me getting frustrated. not with the VA but with everything else. trying to deal with making hotel arrangements. dealing with everything and I keep losing other riders. so once again its just me I guess. I took it out on whoever I could and I just wanted to make a formal apologies to the VA, their staff and whoever else reads this.



About Me

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I'm a 39 yr old veteran from Desert shield/ storm. I was in a really bad MVA in 2004 that almost killed me. after spending a yr + in one hospital or another. I finally got released to live my life on my own again. now I'm doing just that everyday